Editor’s Note: This story from The Defender is a very hopeful look at the seeds of future change in the essential industry of agriculture, with
Category: Agriculture

by TCG Staff Nebraska Democrats and their allies in the “mainstream press” are regularly promoting the “green” agenda, but they have apparently little regard for

An extraordinary number of disasters at food processing plants around the United States is contributing to grave concerns that the West is being threatened with food shortages.
In an April 25 broadcast, Fox News host Tucker Carlson explained, “America [has] the most fertile farmland in the world, it’s always had some of the cheapest food prices in the world. That could be changing.”

Nebraska residents are understandably concerned about the effects of inflation in the Cornhusker State. Fertilizer, which is essential to the good health of Nebraska’ farm economy, is only one example of the problems inflation is causing for those who work in agriculture. The following article from Hillsdale College’s Imprimus gives a good general explanation of inflation…

Nebraska farmers know that fertilizer is essential to crop production. According to a Texas A&M Study conducted on behalf of the Nebraska Corn Board, fertilizer expenditures represent approximately 36% of all operating costs for corn producers.

Governor Ricketts announced that Nebraska intends to take action to protect its entitlements of South Platte River water by constructing a major canal in parts of Colorado and southwest Nebraska.