About The Cornhusker Guardian

Welcome to The Cornhusker Guardian! We are local reporters, editors and photographers, dedicated to providing Nebraska with the news YOU need and none of the clickbait you don’t. Our mission is to provide high-quality local and statewide reporting on the issues that impact Nebraska, featuring stories that capture that wonderful “the good life” vibe.

The Cornhusker Guardian offers daily, on-the-go access to stories that keep you informed. We are here to share YOUR stories. We distill the day’s news down to the most important, engaging and insightful stories that impact the lives of Nebraska’s hard-working-and-playing, civic-minded citizens.

The Cornhusker Guardian is focused on shoe leather reporting and committed to telling stories with depth and integrity. The Cornhusker Guardian’s seasoned journalists are locals – like you – who are working beats to show how the news of the day impacts Nebraska workers, families and senior citizens.

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