efore the United States went off the gold standard in 1933,[i] our money was backed by gold and had intrinsic value. Due to mass inflation and other historic factors, however, the money system in America in the 20th and 21st centuries has been turned inside out.
Month: March 2022

The present session of the Nebraska Unicameral provides only 60 legislative days and will end on April 20th. Time is therefore running very short for the session’s three election integrity related bills to be amended to require hand counting of all election ballots.

Citizens across the State of Nebraska should feel alarmed and called to action by facts unearthed via The Nebraska Voter Accuracy Project (NVAP) with respect to the Cornhusker State’s 2020 Presidential election cycle.

The Government, Military and Veterans Affairs committee on March 2nd heard public testimony in Lincoln on three legislative bills pertaining to election integrity. The bills addressed were LB1181, LB1123, and LB1121.

Nebraska Family Alliance Petition Overwhelms the Lincoln City Council’s Extreme “Fairness Ordinance”
Announcing a staggeringly successful petition drive at a mid-day Tuesday press conference, Nebraska Family Alliance (“NFA”) Executive Director Karen Bowling began by reminding …

Democratic State Senators Anna Wishart and Adam Morfeld are among the leading proponents of a Constitutional Amendment that seeks to legalize marijuana in the Cornhusker State…