Why Does Nebraska Need The Cornhusker Guardian?

Nebraska already enjoys a variety of newspapers and on-line news sources. So why The Cornhusker Guardian?

The reasons, we believe, are five-fold:

  1. The independent conservative news and opinion voice is largely unrepresented on a state-wide basis in Nebraska, as most newspapers and other news sources are liberal in editorial policy. And this liberalism often bleeds into the “news” pages (an “off limits” practice for those of us trained in traditional journalism.)  Opinions, at The Cornhusker Guardian, will always appear only in our editorial section. The news itself will ever remain fact-based. And where there is more than one legitimate side to a story, the news pages will present all sides of it, complete with accurate context. The reader can then draw his own conclusions. 
  2. The consolidation of newspapers and other news sources has reduced the rich diversity traditionally found in the news industry.  Big tech and social media have moved from being an honest broker that presents all sides of an issue to a content censor that promotes “group-think” and “officially approved narratives.”  This totalitarian philosophy is unacceptable at The Cornhusker Guardian.
  3. We are not only totally independent of any political party, but we are “full spectrum conservatives,” which means The Cornhusker Guardian is both socially and fiscally so. Clearly, we are not mere libertarians (or “Republican-in-name-only” fiscal conservatives). This means that we understand the proper role of government under our constitutional system, and we will call to account Republicans, Democrats and so-called “Non-Partisans” when we find them at odds with The Cornhusker Guardian‘s conservative philosophy.
  4. Although we accept advertising, it will only be advertising that does not conflict with our conservative principles.  You will not find, as an example, advertisements for Planned Parenthood, the American Nazi Party or other things contrary to the traditional, patriotic, Judeo-Christian values upon which our American forebears founded this great Republic.  Although our country is not perfect, it continually strives to be better, and we at The Cornhusker Guardian intend to assist in that effort.
  5. When we were growing up, daily newspapers were news sources that entire families could enjoy without embarrassment due to bad language or inappropriate subjects. They conveyed important information — but not at the expense of a child’s innocence. This remains our commitment to you and your family. 

If you agree with our approach, we invite you to sign up for The Cornhusker Guardian FREE e-newsletter, and to make a financial contribution to our work. 

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