Election Aids Help Nebraskans Make Informed Choice in Critical Election

Voting is not only a right. It is also a duty of all citizens to make morally informed choices in selecting the leaders of government. Thankfully, there are good candidates on the ballot, and in this election there are many important cultural issues at stake.

For example, the Nebraska Family Alliance “surveyed the state and federal candidates on important cultural issues like abortion, parental rights, religious freedom, school choice, girls’ sports, comprehensive sex education, marijuana, and more to help you make an informed decision.” They offer an Election Resource Center that can help you create a personalized, non-partisan voter guide.

The Nebraska Right to Life voter guide offers a detailed chart showing candidates for the general election and their responses, (or non-responses) You can read it here.

Another resource is the Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom voting guide. It focuses on fiscally conservative candidates.

The Nebraska Catholic Voter Guide is another resource, but they have a greater number of candidates that did not respond.

Finally, the Lancaster County Republican Party has put out a slate/voter guide.

Not every position taken by these entities will line up with all the positions of The Cornhusker Guardian, but we offer these links for your consideration, and we encourage you to make your voting decision with a well-informed conscience. We ask you to vote for life, Christian morality, natural marriage, family, and fundamental freedoms.

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