Nebraska farmers know that fertilizer is essential to crop production. According to a Texas A&M Study conducted on behalf of the Nebraska Corn Board, fertilizer expenditures represent approximately 36% of all operating costs for corn producers.
Month: February 2022

As it did in 2012, the ordinance passed last week by the Lincoln City Council, is a “bathroom bill” that opens up all women’s dressing, locker and bathrooms to men who “identify as female.”

The council and mayor claim the benefit of this sweeping change to the city charter is to prevent discrimination. History, however, shows that this kind of radical change in the law primarily results in persecution

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in a 4-3 decision handed down on February 11, 2022, to allow ban on absentee ballot drop boxes for the

By Jerry Ficke America’s recent virus challenge shone a brilliant and bright light on the majesty of the outdoors. Sun lovers everywhere turned, for example,

Pfizer’s own COVID-19 “vaccine” trial data demonstrated a heightened risk of sickness and death among the injected, according to the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, a

Coach Taylor will have his work cut out for him against his former boss Sean McVay, so stay tuned for what promises to be an exciting finale to an amazing season when the youngest pair of coaches in Super Bowl history face off against each other.

George Norris, who championed the state-wide ballot issue which formed the Nebraska unicameral in 1937, said “Every act of the legislature and every act of each individual must be transacted in the spotlight of publicity.”

The Nebraska Attorney General filed suit January 12th in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, seeking Temporary and Permanent Injunctive Relief from the mask

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told Governor Pete Ricketts in a letter sent late last week that, regardless of any state level objections, Nebraska Air and Army National Guard members must be vaccinated against COVID-19. Failure to do so, he said, will lead to prohibiting members from participating in drills, and it will also jeopardize their s