When Nebraskans go to the polls in November, they should remember that many of the failures to pass strong pro-life legislation, most recently in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs decision, are the result of years-long failures by the GOP to take advantage of the strong Republican majority in the Unicameral.
Month: August 2022

The largely Protestant-led Nebraska Family Alliance was early in perceiving and acting against the threat to religious and personal freedom posed by Lincoln’s so-called “Fairness Ordinance.”

Although The Cornhusker Guardian does not endorse the bulk of his philosophical and theological positions, it finds Aldous Huxley’s predictions and analyses with respect to

If you read obituaries these days it is becoming more common to see that services for the deceased are changing. Many times there is no funeral at all, but instead, what is called a “Celebration of Life” is held at the funeral home, a park or even a bar.

The most recent Consumer Price Index report, detailed that annualized health insurance costs are now up an eye-popping 17.0% over last year. Moreover, annualized rent costs have surged another 14.1%, despite 2021’s record setting increase of 17.5%

Nebraska voters need to remember Professor Thomas Sowell’s words when they go to the polls in November. The principles he enunciates in his essay below should make it impossible for any but “low information voters” to cast a ballot for Democrat candidates.

The following article shows another smoking gun related to the politicization of the COVID pandemic by Dr. Fauci and others who were desperate to end the Presidency of Donald Trump.