Now that the Cornhusker State has a free hand to prohibit abortion thanks to last year’s U. S. Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs case, it is imperative that the Republican majority in Nebraska’s Unicameral operate in such a manner that a minority of Democrats and a handful of RINOs (“Republicans In Name Only”) cannot block such baby-saving legislation.
Category: Pro-Life

Congressman Flood has been a longtime leader in the pro-life movement, and he in large measure holds responsibility with respect to laying the political foundation for Nebraska’s current pro-life legislation.

When Nebraskans go to the polls in November, they should remember that many of the failures to pass strong pro-life legislation, most recently in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs decision, are the result of years-long failures by the GOP to take advantage of the strong Republican majority in the Unicameral.

The beginning of the end to America’s long national nightmare is finally in sight. The ending to this horror began today at 9:10 am Central Time, when the U.S. Supreme Court released its long-awaited abortion decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

Lancaster County Commissioner Deb Schorr, who currently seeks her sixth term in that office, claims in a recent mailer to Republican voters that she is the pro-life and conservative choice in the race. In fact, her record in office is part of the reason that many GOP voters believe Deb Schorr should not win renomination to the post on May 10th …

A number of Cornhusker Guardian readers have recently complained about a lack of reliability involving the Nebraska Right to Life Political Action Committee when it comes to its election endorsements.
The most glaring and complaint-ridden example involves…

Slamming opposition for obscuring the issue of abortion with “identity politics,” Slama, a Republican, said, “We’ve had a few people get up on the mic today and say, ‘As a woman, I oppose this bill and here’s why.’ If the opposition is going to bury themselves in obscurities and identity politics, I’ll hop in.”

Fourteen teenagers spent last Saturday learning how to take a conversation about abortion from debate to dialogue. They attended an all-day workshop offered by Justice for All (“JFA”), a non-profit organization whose goal is to “train thousands to make abortion unthinkable for millions, one person at a time.”