By Robert J. Borer (a letter to the Editor) We the people (Citizens) of Nebraska have a right as qualified voters “to exercise the elective
Month: January 2022

America’s favorite version of what the Romans called “Bread and Circuses” is the NFL. And it put on some incredibly entertaining performances by the modern day gladiators who suited up this weekend to play for a chance to play in the penultimate game…

The preservation of American democracy and our nation’s way of life depends upon honest elections, but this was not what Cornhusker State citizens and the country received during the last Presidential election cycle.

“Since December 2020, UP has experienced an over 160% increase in criminal rail theft in Los Angeles County. In several months during that period, the increase from the previous year surpassed 200%. In October 2021 alone, the increase was 356% over compared to October 2020.”

Fourteen teenagers spent last Saturday learning how to take a conversation about abortion from debate to dialogue. They attended an all-day workshop offered by Justice for All (“JFA”), a non-profit organization whose goal is to “train thousands to make abortion unthinkable for millions, one person at a time.”

We ventured out last spring to western Nebraska, and we just had to stop and see Chimney Rock – the iconic landmark that appeared on the 2006 State Quarter honoring Nebraska.

Governor Ricketts announced that Nebraska intends to take action to protect its entitlements of South Platte River water by constructing a major canal in parts of Colorado and southwest Nebraska.

It happened to me just days ago. I noticed that I vanished. It began one quiet afternoon during a discussion with my supervisor at the assisted living home where I work two evenings a week. Mid-sentence, I noticed that she was looking through me, as if I were not sitting right in front of her.

(LifeSiteNews) – New numbers out of Indiana may finally be enough to blow up the “safe and effective” genetic vaccine fantasy once and for all.

The Left expects to lose power over the next two years – both because of the way it gained and used it, and because of its radical, top-down agendas that never had any public support.

For two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance.