The Nebraska Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in a lawsuit brought by Creighton University students who had suffered banishment from class and from the Creighton campus after they had refused on religious and conscientious grounds to take the Covid “jab” because of its association with aborted fetal remains.
Month: May 2022

The recent decision by State Farm management on behalf of the company’s owners to push LGBTQ+ books on children could mean that many of its Nebraska policy holders may take their insurance business elsewhere.

In the following article, Mr. Georgatos approaches the topic from a refreshingly non-political perspective – from the perspective of the American Citizen. He did this by simply asking, “Is our election system vulnerable …”

Nebraska has its share of utopians, many of them in the Democratic Party and the Cornhusker State’s university system. Readers of The Cornhusker Guardian may find this article on Utopianism both informative and useful.

2000 Mules documents research from True the Vote, a conservative election intelligence organization that has compiled evidence of organized ballot trafficking in at least 6 states: Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Texas.

Endorsements by former President Donald J. Trump have proved exceedingly valuable to candidates who received them during this year’s primary election cycle. Newsweek reported today that Mr. Trump was 22-0 in the success of his endorsements during last week’s primaries and 55-0 for the entire 2022 primary season.

Nationally known economist Stephen Moore and regional economist Dr. Ernie Goss joined State Sen. Tom Briese of Albion in praising the Charles W. Herbster Tax Plan as the best way to grow Nebraska’s economy and to relieve beleaguered taxpayers, who are staggering under burdensome property, sales and income taxes.

Because the Democratic Party’s official platforms (both at the Nebraska and national levels) have so many positions that are contrary to The Cornhusker Guardian’s conservative philosophy, and because the “Non-Partisan” label is so often a cover for Democrats (and for “Republicans-in-Name-Only”) who want to conceal their true political identities, The Cornhusker Guardian is confining its endorsements to the Republican Primary.

By Mary Jane Truemper, President of the Omaha Liberty Ladies, LLC
Dear Editor,
I feel compelled during this Easter Season to take time out to speak about the gubernatorial race and Senator Julie Slama’s allegations against Charles W. Herbster.

An extraordinary number of disasters at food processing plants around the United States is contributing to grave concerns that the West is being threatened with food shortages.
In an April 25 broadcast, Fox News host Tucker Carlson explained, “America [has] the most fertile farmland in the world, it’s always had some of the cheapest food prices in the world. That could be changing.”

Lancaster County Commissioner Deb Schorr, who currently seeks her sixth term in that office, claims in a recent mailer to Republican voters that she is the pro-life and conservative choice in the race. In fact, her record in office is part of the reason that many GOP voters believe Deb Schorr should not win renomination to the post on May 10th …

The Cornhusker Guardian received an email this morning that establishes an additional tie between the “Republican Establishment” and The Nebraska Examiner, an online news source that broke the story alleging inappropriate touching of women