If Dr. Jim Pillen is serious about defeating Sen. Carol Blood in this month’s gubernatorial election, he needs to show strong leadership with respect to
Category: Covid Madness

Long before the year 1984, I remember reading George Orwell’s dystopian novel of the same name. Orwell published the book shortly after the fall of

Nebraskans from various walks of life have shared with The Cornhusker Guardian their anecdotal personal observations about a perceived increase in deaths of working age people since the decline in COVID infections and the increase in “vaccinations” related to them.

Nebraska’s Douglas County Health Department recently announced plans to offer COVID-19 “vaccines” to children under 5 years of age. It is doing so in the face of serious questions…

The Nebraska Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in a lawsuit brought by Creighton University students who had suffered banishment from class and from the Creighton campus after they had refused on religious and conscientious grounds to take the Covid “jab” because of its association with aborted fetal remains.

Pfizer’s own COVID-19 “vaccine” trial data demonstrated a heightened risk of sickness and death among the injected, according to the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, a

The Nebraska Attorney General filed suit January 12th in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, seeking Temporary and Permanent Injunctive Relief from the mask

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told Governor Pete Ricketts in a letter sent late last week that, regardless of any state level objections, Nebraska Air and Army National Guard members must be vaccinated against COVID-19. Failure to do so, he said, will lead to prohibiting members from participating in drills, and it will also jeopardize their s

It happened to me just days ago. I noticed that I vanished. It began one quiet afternoon during a discussion with my supervisor at the assisted living home where I work two evenings a week. Mid-sentence, I noticed that she was looking through me, as if I were not sitting right in front of her.

(LifeSiteNews) – New numbers out of Indiana may finally be enough to blow up the “safe and effective” genetic vaccine fantasy once and for all.

For two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance.

By Leo von Stahl Readers of a certain age will remember The Music Man, a 1957 Broadway show. Its music and lyrics were written by