By a CG Staff Reporter
Omaha-based Union Pacific Railroad (“UP”) has had enough. And George Gascon, the George Soros- backed Los Angeles County District Attorney, has a simple choice to make – either he cracks down on the criminal theft of railcar cargo in his county, or UP may change its operating activities and completely avoid LA county altogether.
UP’s December 20, 2021, letter to Mr. Gascon, written by Adrian Guerrero, UP’s General Director of Public Affairs (link below), contains one stunning revelation after another:
“Since December 2020, UP has experienced an over 160% increase in criminal rail theft in Los Angeles County. In several months during that period, the increase from the previous year surpassed 200%. In October 2021 alone, the increase was 356% over compared to October 2020.”
“On average, over 90 containers compromised per day.”
“…we find ourselves coming back to the same results with the Los Angeles County criminal justice system. Criminals are caught and arrested, turned over to local authorities for booking, arraigned before the local courts, charges are reduced to a misdemeanor or petty offense, and the criminal is released after paying a nominal fine.”
“…criminals boast to our officers that charges will be pled down to simple trespassing – which bears no serious consequence. Without any judicial deterrence or consequence, it is no surprise that over the past year UP has witnessed the significant increase in criminal rail theft described above.”
This hard-hitting letter quickly puts into perspective why “judicial deterrence or consequence” is so critical to a well-functioning society. It highlights why lawlessness (in this case criminal railcar theft) can result in serious local and national economic losses. Lawlessness can cause supply chain disruption, which leads to price inflation, which can limit spending, which may result in job losses, all of which ultimately impact families negatively.
UP’s cautionary letter also reminds us of the importance of our vote, and why we must carefully examine all candidates for public office. Consider Nebraska’s 2022 candidates for County Attorney. Do any of these candidates have connections to or support from Soros-backed organizations?
UP’s cautionary letter also reminds us of the importance of our vote, and why we must carefully examine all candidates for public office. Consider Nebraska’s 2022 candidates for County Attorney. Do any of these candidates have connections to or support from Soros-backed organizations? And, if elected, would they treat Nebraska lawbreakers in the lenient manner Mr. Gascon affords to criminals in LA County? As an example, do these Nebraska candidates for County Attorney support policies such as no-cash bail for non-violent offenders?
In UP’s January 16, 2022 online InsideTrack article regarding the train robbery crisis, Mr. Gascon is reported to have replied to the company, and he says in part, “Our office takes Union Pacific’s concerns seriously and hopes to discuss this issue more in the coming weeks.”
We shall see.
Update: from Union Pacific’s Inside Track – Gov. Newsom Stands with Union Pacific and Law Enforcement; Calls for Action on LA Rail Thefts