By a CG Staff reporter
The preservation of American democracy and our nation’s way of life depends upon honest elections, but this was not what Cornhusker State citizens and the country received during the last Presidential election cycle. That was the message recently conveyed in Lincoln by Larry Ortega, a spokesman for the Nebraska Voter Accuracy Project (“NVAP”).
Mr. Ortega, a retired aerospace engineer from Bellevue, Nebraska, got right to the point during his opening remarks to a crowd of 90 persons at Elevate Church on January 22, 2022. “Our democracy and our way of life in America depend upon fair and accurate elections,” he said. “The November 3, 2020, election in Nebraska, and nationwide, was not fair or accurate.”
Referencing data gathered from NVAP’s door-to-door canvassing efforts, from public records requests, and from other publicly available sources, Mr. Ortega also drew on work by two nationally recognized mathematicians, Dr. Douglas G. Frank and Draza Smith, to present the PowerPoint report compiled by NVAP. NVAP used their analysis and other sources to build a compelling case supporting NVAP’s call for de-certification of Nebraska’s 2020 November election results.
Here is just a sampling of NVAP’s findings as presented by Mr. Ortega:
- Edison Research provides media organizations with near real-time vote count results for all 50 states with respect to statewide races, ballot initiatives and Congressional House races. Edison Research programmatically viewed the Nebraska Secretary of State election web site on a second-by-second basis after polls closed on election night in order to tabulate and report the vote. Inexplicably, votes for Donald Trump declined four times throughout the night (as shown in Illustration 1, below).
- At least 10 Nebraska counties reported more registered voters than there were vote-eligible citizens.
- The State of Nebraska recorded 4,001 votes that had no corresponding registered voter. Most of these votes were recorded in Cass, Douglas, Platte, Lancaster, Thurston, Adams, and Lincoln counties
- Nebraska’s Lancaster County accepted an “election administration” grant for $404,584.50 in early autumn of 2020 from the Center for Technology and Civic Life (“CTCL”), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization overwhelmingly funded in 2020* by contributions from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. Lancaster County spent approximately:
- $266,000, on mail-in voter supplies
- $13,000 on voter “education”
- $10,000 on vote drop boxes.
No further detail on use of the remaining $115,584 in the CTCL grant funds was disclosed.
- The Nebraska Secretary of State and his technical team are contractually prohibited by Omaha-based Election Systems & Software, LLC (“ES&S”) from reviewing/testing the hardware and/or software (to include modems and/or wireless connectivity) of our ES&S election counting machines without an ES&S representative present. Additionally, any negative information gathered as a result of any such review/testing cannot be publicly disclosed. It should be noted that modems and/or wireless connectivity can be susceptible to security breaches.
- The Heritage Foundation, based in Washington, D.C., examined each state’s administration of its November 3, 2020, election. It then scored its findings using Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity Scorecard. The Scorecard awarded points across 12 weighted areas of election administration, including the following areas in which Nebraska received poor if not failing marks:
- Voter ID Implementation.
- Accuracy of Voter registration Lists.
- Absentee Ballot Management.
- Vote Harvesting/Trafficking Restrictions
- Verification of Citizenship.
- Restriction of Private Funding of Election Officials or Government Agencies.
- and Election Litigation Procedures.
- Nebraska scored only 45 out of 100 possible points, the 43rd worse point total among the 50 states and the District of Columbia (on par with “Blue States” California, New York, Massachusetts, and Oregon – see illustrations 2 and 3)
Nebraska scored only 45 out of 100 possible points, the 43rd worse point total among the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
The NVAP, which claims more than 2,000 members, regularly updates its findings relative to the November 2020 election in Nebraska. Below are the dates, times and locations of upcoming presentations of the group’s election findings that might be of public interest. NVAP emphasizes that the public is always welcome at these presentations:

Saturday, January 29, 2022
Hitchcock and Red Willow County GOP
McCook, NE
For more information, please call Vicki or Pam at 308-750-1948 and 308-350-3155, respectively.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Stastny Center
1350 Dove Road
Hebron, NE 68370
For more information, please call Connie at 402-302-2350
The Cornhusker Guardian will continue to follow this story.
A video of one of Mr. Ortega’s recent NVAP presentations can be found at (skip to minute marker 5:50 to hear the beginning of Mr. Ortega’s remarks).
NVAP’s current PowerPoint presentation can be found at:
*Editor’s Note: CTCL reported total contributions for the fiscal year ending 1/31/20 of $2.8 million, but nearly $354.6 million for fiscal year ending 1/31/21. In 2020, CTCL and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) together passed Zuckerberg and Chan donations of $419.5 million into local government election offices in the United States. Private funding of election administration was virtually unknown in the American political system before the 2020 election
Young America by Thomas Le Clear. Le Clear illustrates the youth-oriented nature of 19th-century American politics, complete with a “boy orator.”