by Jerry Ficke
Elections Belong to Us, The Citizens of the United States
Anyone who tells us that elections do not belong to us, that the information is secret, to “trust us, we’ve got this” is wrong. Elections are ours. They belong to us, “We The People.” If they are not our elections, there is no consent, and the government has no authority because the sovereignty under our constitution, our entire form of government, is based on our consent. And remember, the word “sovereignty” means “supreme power or authority.” The supreme power or authority in the United States of America is you and I, “We the People.”
Krisanne Hall is a Constitutional Attorney based out of Florida. She speaks frequently on the concept of “We The People,” helping others to understand the true meaning of this powerful phrase. The following link provides an excellent example of her insightful messaging:
It’s About Election Integrity, not Efficiency or Convenience
The concepts of efficiency and convenience relative to elections are irrelevant – they do not matter at all. The only priority is election integrity – no more, no less. Those who promote efficiency and convenience, to include Nebraska County Commissioners citing the many facets of the election process (please see the below illustration), at best may be telling you that they do not have a root understanding of elections, or at worst they may be telling you that their priorities differ wildly from those of “We The People.”

Any Law, Rule or Act of Government That Reduces Election Integrity, or Increases Risks to Election Integrity, is Void
Any Secretary of State, for example, who insists that only they can audit “their” election, does not understand that the election belongs to “We The People”, and that therefore they have no standing to tell us what to do. Other items or actions, for example, that negatively impact election integrity are private donations earmarked to fund ballot drop boxes, vote tabulation machines accessible from the Internet, and restricting our access to information about statewide voter registration systems.
And it’s not just state politicians that have allowed the integrity of our elections to diminish. A strong case can be made that Congress has contributed as well by way of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, commonly referred to as the “Motor Voter Law”. This law has contributed to non-citizens being added to voter registration rolls, as well as citizens who never intend to vote. These registered voter names have been found to have been used by the nefarious as “phantom voters”. In just a handful of precincts in Sarpy County, all of which are known as predominantly “red precincts”, the Nebraska Voter Accuracy Project (NVAP) found after the November 3, 2020 election 367 registered voter ballots from names which had not voted for any primary or general election since 2016 following an overwhelming mail-in turnout for Joe Biden. Each of these 367 ballots were cast as absentee ballots.
The Nebraska Voter Accuracy Project (NVAP) found after the November 3rd, 2020 election 367 registered voter ballots from names which had not voted for any primary or general election since 2016 following an overwhelming mail-in turnout for Joe Biden. Each of these 367 ballots were cast as absentee ballots.
Decentralization is Critical to Self-Governance
When power and control is centralized, it is by definition more vulnerable than when it is de-centralized. The ES&S voting system used by the State of Nebraska is an example of a centralized system. It houses and controls the voter registration database, most of the ballot printing, and it retains the ballot images used by their artificial intelligence software that counts our vote.
Complexity Breeds and Hides Corruption
If one were to pick any election clerk or any election official throughout the state and ask him to explain how the software inside our voting system works, or how the software inside our voter registration system works, in nearly all cases, they will not know. What we need to recognize is that when we don’t know, we are not in control – someone else is in control. Plus, even if we did know how the software works, we do not have the ability to influence the ES&S system, which is considered “proprietary”.
Our states elections will once again be trustworthy when “We The People” are back in control, and the stakes cannot be higher.
“Most importantly the key take-away is it is time you get educated, or be enslaved, and this is beyond a left or right discussion, or republican and democrat”.
“We’ve been sleeping… We’ve outsourced our decision making to politicians who have their agendas and we’ve ended up with voting systems where the input and output are unverifiable.”
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – MIT PhD and Inventor of Email
Featured image courtesy of Wikipedia
Great article!!