Why The Cornhusker Guardian — Continued!

By Richard J. Wall, Jr., Editor in Chief

When we first began building The Cornhusker Guardian some six months ago, we laid out five reasons as the “Why” for its existence:

  1. The independent conservative news and opinion voice is largely unrepresented on a state-wide basis in Nebraska, as most newspapers and other news sources are liberal in editorial policy.   The situation is even worse, however, because this liberalism bleeds from the editorial department into the news side of these liberal publications.
  2. The consolidation of newspapers and other news sources has reduced the rich diversity traditionally found in the news industry.  Big tech and social media have moved from being an honest broker that presents all sides of an issue to a content censor that promotes “group-think” and “officially approved narratives.”  The Cornhusker Guardian is an antidote to this journalistic disease.
  3. We are totally independent of any political party, but we are also “full spectrum conservatives,” which means The Cornhusker Guardian is both socially and fiscally so. We are not mere libertarians (or “Republican-in-name-only” fiscal conservatives), which means that we understand the proper role of government under our constitutional system, and we will call to account Republicans, Democrats and so-called “Non-Partisans” when we find them at odds with The Cornhusker Guardian‘s conservative philosophy.
  4. Although we accept advertising, it will only be advertising that does not conflict with our conservative principles.  You will not find, as an example, advertisements that promote things contrary to the traditional, patriotic, Judeo-Christian values upon which our American forebears founded this great Republic.  Although our country is not perfect, it continually strives to be better, and we at The Cornhusker Guardian will always assist in that effort.
  5. Our founders are old enough to remember when daily newspapers were news sources that entire families could enjoy without embarrassment due to bad language or inappropriate subjects. They conveyed important information — but not at the expense of a child’s innocence. This remains our commitment to you and to your family, whether it involves news, editorials or advertising. 

During our first six months, we feel we have fulfilled this mission, and we intend to continue it.  For that reason, we will — from time to time — publish a column entitled “Why The Cornhusker Guardian — Continued!”  We will explain in these columns how our coverage of recent events has provided a perspective and insight that you won’t find in other publications.  Based on comments from readers regarding our recent primary election coverage, we have succeeded in this regard.

The following stories are just a few examples of how we have been faithful to this mission:

Farmers face crippling fertilizer price hikes
Marijuana-Fueled Nebraska Crash Kills Two & Injures 20 in Lincoln
Creighton Students Who Refused the Jab Take Their Case to Nebraska’s Supreme Court
Voters Rebuke Secretary of State Bob Evnen’s Management of Nebraska’s Elections
Why Deb Schorr is NOT Nebraska’s Conservative, Pro-life Choice for Lancaster County Commissioner

As Gov. Pete Ricketts has frequently noted, Nebraska is a conservative, pro-life state. The Cornhusker Guardian is fighting so that it will always remain so.

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