U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., popularized the old legal maxim that “hard cases make bad law.” This legal adage means that passing
Category: Politics

It’s official. The U.S. Senate seniority rankings are out. And who has the lowest seniority of all 100 U.S. Senators? Pete Ricketts of Nebraska. Seniority

Now that the Cornhusker State has a free hand to prohibit abortion thanks to last year’s U. S. Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs case, it is imperative that the Republican majority in Nebraska’s Unicameral operate in such a manner that a minority of Democrats and a handful of RINOs (“Republicans In Name Only”) cannot block such baby-saving legislation.

Congressman Flood has been a longtime leader in the pro-life movement, and he in large measure holds responsibility with respect to laying the political foundation for Nebraska’s current pro-life legislation.

Tell me about religious liberty. Tell me about defending freedom. These truths — these rights — matter because they are fundamental and because they are endangered.

Readers may have seen a campaign postcard entitled “Lancaster County’s Four Pillars of Safety & Security.” It has pictures of candidates Pat Condon (previously endorsed

Governor Pete Ricketts and Senator Ben Sasse are winding down the current phases of their political careers. Gov. Ricketts’ term ends on January 5th of

The Cornhusker Guardian believes that coverage of the upcoming election is very important. We are facilitating this by providing statements from various candidates for public

The Secretary of State’s office announced that the Voter ID Constitutional Amendment: Initiative Measure 432 has qualified for the ballot. The issue of required Voter

When Nebraskans go to the polls in November, they should remember that many of the failures to pass strong pro-life legislation, most recently in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs decision, are the result of years-long failures by the GOP to take advantage of the strong Republican majority in the Unicameral.

The largely Protestant-led Nebraska Family Alliance was early in perceiving and acting against the threat to religious and personal freedom posed by Lincoln’s so-called “Fairness Ordinance.”

Although The Cornhusker Guardian does not endorse the bulk of his philosophical and theological positions, it finds Aldous Huxley’s predictions and analyses with respect to

Nebraska voters need to remember Professor Thomas Sowell’s words when they go to the polls in November. The principles he enunciates in his essay below should make it impossible for any but “low information voters” to cast a ballot for Democrat candidates.

The following article shows another smoking gun related to the politicization of the COVID pandemic by Dr. Fauci and others who were desperate to end the Presidency of Donald Trump.

In a stinging rebuke to Gov. Pete Ricketts (and a worrisome omen to his anointed successor, Republican gubernatorial candidate Dr. Jim Pillen), longtime conservatives and ardent Trump-era supporters took over the Nebraska Republican Party on Saturday, July 9, 2022.

The beginning of the end to America’s long national nightmare is finally in sight. The ending to this horror began today at 9:10 am Central Time, when the U.S. Supreme Court released its long-awaited abortion decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

A group called “Let Lincoln Vote” is helping to organize a ballot initiative that would revive the so-called “fairness ordinance,” which was recently rescinded by the Lincoln City Council.

Nebraska’s Douglas County Health Department recently announced plans to offer COVID-19 “vaccines” to children under 5 years of age. It is doing so in the face of serious questions…

By Richard J. Wall, Jr., Editor in Chief When we first began building The Cornhusker Guardian some six months ago, we laid out five reasons

In the following article, Mr. Georgatos approaches the topic from a refreshingly non-political perspective – from the perspective of the American Citizen. He did this by simply asking, “Is our election system vulnerable …”

2000 Mules documents research from True the Vote, a conservative election intelligence organization that has compiled evidence of organized ballot trafficking in at least 6 states: Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Texas.

Endorsements by former President Donald J. Trump have proved exceedingly valuable to candidates who received them during this year’s primary election cycle. Newsweek reported today that Mr. Trump was 22-0 in the success of his endorsements during last week’s primaries and 55-0 for the entire 2022 primary season.

Nationally known economist Stephen Moore and regional economist Dr. Ernie Goss joined State Sen. Tom Briese of Albion in praising the Charles W. Herbster Tax Plan as the best way to grow Nebraska’s economy and to relieve beleaguered taxpayers, who are staggering under burdensome property, sales and income taxes.

Because the Democratic Party’s official platforms (both at the Nebraska and national levels) have so many positions that are contrary to The Cornhusker Guardian’s conservative philosophy, and because the “Non-Partisan” label is so often a cover for Democrats (and for “Republicans-in-Name-Only”) who want to conceal their true political identities, The Cornhusker Guardian is confining its endorsements to the Republican Primary.

By Mary Jane Truemper, President of the Omaha Liberty Ladies, LLC
Dear Editor,
I feel compelled during this Easter Season to take time out to speak about the gubernatorial race and Senator Julie Slama’s allegations against Charles W. Herbster.

Lancaster County Commissioner Deb Schorr, who currently seeks her sixth term in that office, claims in a recent mailer to Republican voters that she is the pro-life and conservative choice in the race. In fact, her record in office is part of the reason that many GOP voters believe Deb Schorr should not win renomination to the post on May 10th …

The Cornhusker Guardian received an email this morning that establishes an additional tie between the “Republican Establishment” and The Nebraska Examiner, an online news source that broke the story alleging inappropriate touching of women

The Cornhusker Guardian hates injustice of any kind. Fortunately, citizens of the United States are for the most part fair-minded people, and Nebraskans even more so. The “late hit” against a front-running candidate,…

Although The Cornhusker Guardian has not yet issued candidate endorsements in the upcoming primary election, it has found perplexing the almost visceral opposition of Gov. Pete Ricketts to the gubernatorial candidacy of…

A number of Cornhusker Guardian readers have recently complained about a lack of reliability involving the Nebraska Right to Life Political Action Committee when it comes to its election endorsements.
The most glaring and complaint-ridden example involves…

Slamming opposition for obscuring the issue of abortion with “identity politics,” Slama, a Republican, said, “We’ve had a few people get up on the mic today and say, ‘As a woman, I oppose this bill and here’s why.’ If the opposition is going to bury themselves in obscurities and identity politics, I’ll hop in.”

Nebraska’s Lancaster County Board of Commissioners accepted a $404,584.50 grant from the Zuckerbergs via the Center for Tech and Civic Life (“CTCL”) in early autumn of 2020. No other Nebraska county accepted such a grant.

Citizens across the State of Nebraska should feel alarmed and called to action by facts unearthed via The Nebraska Voter Accuracy Project (NVAP) with respect to the Cornhusker State’s 2020 Presidential election cycle.

Nebraska Family Alliance Petition Overwhelms the Lincoln City Council’s Extreme “Fairness Ordinance”
Announcing a staggeringly successful petition drive at a mid-day Tuesday press conference, Nebraska Family Alliance (“NFA”) Executive Director Karen Bowling began by reminding …

Democratic State Senators Anna Wishart and Adam Morfeld are among the leading proponents of a Constitutional Amendment that seeks to legalize marijuana in the Cornhusker State…

As it did in 2012, the ordinance passed last week by the Lincoln City Council, is a “bathroom bill” that opens up all women’s dressing, locker and bathrooms to men who “identify as female.”

The council and mayor claim the benefit of this sweeping change to the city charter is to prevent discrimination. History, however, shows that this kind of radical change in the law primarily results in persecution

George Norris, who championed the state-wide ballot issue which formed the Nebraska unicameral in 1937, said “Every act of the legislature and every act of each individual must be transacted in the spotlight of publicity.”

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told Governor Pete Ricketts in a letter sent late last week that, regardless of any state level objections, Nebraska Air and Army National Guard members must be vaccinated against COVID-19. Failure to do so, he said, will lead to prohibiting members from participating in drills, and it will also jeopardize their s

The preservation of American democracy and our nation’s way of life depends upon honest elections, but this was not what Cornhusker State citizens and the country received during the last Presidential election cycle.

“Since December 2020, UP has experienced an over 160% increase in criminal rail theft in Los Angeles County. In several months during that period, the increase from the previous year surpassed 200%. In October 2021 alone, the increase was 356% over compared to October 2020.”

The Left expects to lose power over the next two years – both because of the way it gained and used it, and because of its radical, top-down agendas that never had any public support.